Video Round-Up is a weekly post collecting an assortment of videos from around the web. Whether they be music videos, creative viral marketing, just plain cool, or just plain ridiculous, they will all be found on Video Round-Up.
Who remembers Trigger Happy TV? Any hands? Well, if you don't, go back in time and try learn about it; then return to now and recall it. It was an excellent show that aired for a couple of seasons on Comedy Central early in the aughts. Rife with furries, no doubt, the British comedy show also had altered-reality skits like the one above. I'm imagining a Trigger Happy version of the iPhone that he jumps on like the piano in Big.
Who has a weatherman this awesome? For a weatherman to win in the competitive field of old guys pointing at things and relying a bit too much on buttons, a certain degree of enthusiasm is requisite. However, this hype cannot be faked. On a serious note: a meteorologist like this can actually make me care about the personalities involved; like maybe I would watch the news instead of checking the temperature on Google. I won't miss you because I don't live anywhere near your broadcast, guy, but good job nonetheless!
Of all things--all things--that I expected to hear discussed in Alex's recent interview with Nick Suttner, ostrich racing was the last thing I--okay, ostrich racing is the last thing I expect to hear discussed under any circumstances. But lo and behold! Here emerges a home video, the magic of which was ruined by the conversation about posting it on youtube within the video. Anyway, I can't say it doesn't look like that one ostrich was abused in training, so feel free to debate that in the comments.
For readers who already watch 30 Rock, you probably recognized the title of this Round-Up. If you do not watch 30 Rock, do yourself a favor and start. It's all on Netflix so there's no excuse not to! It didn't appeal to me until years after its premiere, but the jokes are constant, fresh and appealing to the likes of me. Here are some clips that set the self-conscious tone for the show.
What's right about roosters and heavy metal combined? What isn't right? After watching this video you will agree.
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