
Laura Jane Grace Isn't Going to Ruin Against Me, She's Going to Reinvigorate Them
Morning Glory's Recent Tour Felt Like a Symbolic Farewell to Ezra Kire's Past, Invitation to his Future
Handling Hecklers with MC Chris: An Exploration in Putting Up With or Putting a Stop to Bullshit

Recent Reviews:  To the Moon | Huebrix | Minus the Bear | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD | Awesomenauts | The Real McKenzies | Breton | Suzanne Ciani

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July 31, 2012

Game Review: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD

I played the original Tony Hawk's Pro Skater for hours on end when it came out in 1999, usually passing the controller between friends. That game introduced a brand new concept (a skating game) with such focus and tight controls that it seemed insane that no one had come up with it before. It was riveting. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD seeks to bring that old feeling back for the uninitiated and old pros alike.

THPS HD starts by letting you choose from a small collection of pro skaters with associated stats related to skills and abilities. Throughout the game you are able to earn money that can go towards purchasing increased stats and newer skateboards. While the boards are strictly cosmetic, the stats will increase your ability to jump higher, grind longer, and balance better. You earn money through building scores by performing tricks and completing level-based objectives.

July 25, 2012

Unoriginal Soundtracks #44: Ninja Gaiden

Every other Wednesday, I share a playlist of songs tangentially related to a single game or series. Songs about alien sex for Mass Effect, world leaders for Civilization, and so on. Searching for relevant terms on Spotify is a great way to discover new music and uncover hidden gems. Make requests to @USPodcast on Twitter.

For a playlist that tosses a few songs in the air, chops them up, then sends them crashing back down to your ears, listen to this episode of Unoriginal Soundtracks. Today's topic is Ninja Gaiden, so expect songs about demons, sneaky pajama-clad men, and female chests.

July 19, 2012

Shuffled #38: Interview with Sam Cohen

Every other Wednesday either Matt or Alex C-Y share their love of music in an assortment of ways. Shuffled is a podcast whose format is as varied as their tastes in music, so hopefully you won't ever be bored and everyone can find something to enjoy. 

A few weeks ago I got a few minutes to speak with Sam Cohen, singer songwriter from Brooklyn, New York and creator of the dream pop group Yellowbirds. Sam has been part of the music scene for sometime starting out in the Massachusetts based band Apollo Sunshine before starting his own project with Yellowbirds. His debut album, The Color, came out in 2011 and is easily one of my favorite releases from that year. Enjoy the interview!

July 11, 2012

Unoriginal Soundtracks #43: Forza Motorsport

Every other Wednesday, I share a playlist of songs tangentially related to a single game or series. Songs about alien sex for Mass Effect, world leaders for Civilization, and so on. Searching for relevant terms on Spotify is a great way to discover new music and uncover hidden gems. Make requests to @USPodcast on Twitter.

Put in that Forza disc, start a time trial on a relaxing track, and cruise with your favorite music/game podcast. This playlist is full of songs about the joys and difficulties of car ownership, racing, and car culture.

July 07, 2012

Listen: Civil Civic release new track titled 'New!'

Civil Civic remain the only reason I have an IndieGogo account (though Z World Detroit is a real contender for reason #2), and I liked the album they delivered using the funds from their successful campaign enough to put them on this list. So, news of a new song called "New!" was surely exciting for me! Sadly, it's not new new, just unreleased new (Alright, I'm banning the word 'new' from this post as of now). It didn't make the cut for their debut LP, Rules.

Still, it's a fun track and I'm slightly confused why it wasn't included in the first place. As there were many previously-released tracks on the album, this one would have helped sway the numbers toward having more fresh, unreleased songs.

Anyway, hit the jump to listen or name-your-price to download your very own copy of 'New!' (Shit!).

Listen: Propagandhi release 'Bullshit Politicians' remake that never made it to 'Rock Against Bush' compilation

Back in 2004 Propagandhi redid their song 'Bullshit Politicians' for the Rock Against Bush compilation, but due to disagreements between the band and the head of the label (Fat Mike of NOFX) the song never made it on the album. Fortunately, fans can now get it from Bandcamp for a name-your-price download. The song was renamed 'Free John Hinckley' (the attempted assassin of Ronald Reagan), and was released in honor of Stephen Harper's (Canadian Prime Minister) Bill C-38.

Singer Chris Hannah had this to say about it:
...in honour of the total handing over of the country’s keys to corporate interests by Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party (i wish they’d conserve something for once), also known as Bill C-38, we dug up said track from the deep within the Propagandhi archives and put it on that thing called “band camp”. you can take it for free (i think) or you can buy us a virtual beer and a smoke with a donation while you follow the link in the description to see what’s so bad about favouring multinational corporations over the people that actually live here. who knows? maybe one or both of us can actually get out from in front of our computers and join those already trying to do something about this dark day. crazier things have happened.
Hit the jump to give it a listen, and pitch them some beer money if you enjoy it.

July 03, 2012

Shuffled #37: Kickstarted Edition

Every other Wednesday either Matt or Alex C-Y share their love of music in an assortment of ways. Shuffled is a podcast whose format is as varied as their tastes in music, so hopefully you won't ever be bored and everyone can find something to enjoy.

Kickstarter, IndieGogo, and other crowd-funding sites are quickly becoming the new trend in helping bands get their music funded. They may be the start of a future where the people control what they want to hear, or simply a passing trend. Either way, there are plenty of deserving projects out there seeking your help to get off the ground. I happened to spend several hours one night going through every single music campaign on Kickstarter, so I thought I'd share some of the cooler ones with you. Hit the jump to listen, and for links to get in on the funding yourself if you like what you hear.