Morning Glory's Recent Tour Felt Like a Symbolic Farewell to Ezra Kire's Past, Invitation to his Future
February 15, 2011
Sophist Radio Episode 40: What's a Kim Kardashian?
The Sophist crew kicks off its fortieth episode much like all the rest -- with some of the best video game discussion this side of the Internet. Call it "Winter Blues" or "Big-Title Fatigue", but something is zapping the energy of the show this week as the guys share their opinions on a few titles such as: Deadspace 2, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, and Majin and The Forsaken Kingdom. Harold lets it slip that he is playing Mass Effect 2, which leads into a small chat on his feelings about the game (Spoiler Alert: He really likes it). The guys do rebound a bit, and manage to talk about some happy things. Namely death. Harold, Aaron, and James give their thoughts on the apparent death of the music-game genre. Maybe the guys should call this episode the bummercast...or not.
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