The third episode of Life is Strange is an action-packed romp full of explosives, drugs, and guns. Sort of. It definitely inspires this playlist of punk, rap, and eighties pop, though.
Morning Glory's Recent Tour Felt Like a Symbolic Farewell to Ezra Kire's Past, Invitation to his Future
May 29, 2015
Unoriginal Soundtacks #107: Life Is Strange, episode three
The third episode of Life is Strange is an action-packed romp full of explosives, drugs, and guns. Sort of. It definitely inspires this playlist of punk, rap, and eighties pop, though.
May 15, 2015
Unoriginal Soundtracks #106: Four Letters
Four Letters is a ****ing video game that you play on your god **** phone, you **** eating ****. Don't be a **** -- listen to this playlist of rap, punk, and folk.
May 01, 2015
Unoriginal Soundtracks #105: GTA V
Grand Theft Auto V is a disrespectful British take on California. It inspires this mostly-British playlist of punk, ska, and rap.