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January 18, 2009

I have a goal

I come up with a lot of ideas of things I'd like to do, and usually I never have the resolve to actually do them. I'm posting this so that someone can hold me accountable, not that anyone reads this yet but it's better then only having told my wife as she couldn't care less. I am going to get into some video game modding.

I took an electrical class back in high school and have promptly forgotten most all of it but I think I can stumble my way around some basic projects and come out with some awesome things. So, in the interest of accountability, I am going to start by making a portable NES.

Something along the lines of this, http://www.ladyada.net/make/gamegrrl/index.html. I'll use my old Game Boy for the case. Hopefully it won't be too difficult. I've got some other ideas but I don't want to throw them out there now because if I give up I don't want to be called a quitter. I have a fragile ego and people on the internet can be mean.

Should I come up with a cool nickname like Game Grrl before I jump into the modding community? How about G4m3 M4st3r?

-Alex Cronk-Young


Luis Alvarez said...

haha! dude i totally want one of those!! go for it is what i say. i'll be your #1 fan.

Alex R. Cronk-Young said...

I can't find the stuff I need to make it is the problem right now. Even on ebay and amazon. One day though.

Unknown said...

Thanks For Sharing

Unknown said...

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