I'm still woefully behind. When writing about video games, you should probably keep somewhat up to date on the big games in the video game industry. I only just obtained a PlayStation 3 at the end of the summer last year, so I'm behind almost an entire console generation. This is my feeble attempt at catching up to the constantly moving industry, feel free to follow along.
PixelJunk Eden
This was one of those games that helped convince me I wanted a PlayStation 3 in the first place. I'd heard so many amazing reviews that I was convinced I would love it. I do, but it quickly grew tiresome.
It was probably a mistake for that to be the only game I was playing at the time. I burned myself out well before I completed all of the Gardens and had to stop playing. After a month or two I tried to get back into it but I didn't last very long. Now it's been at least half a year and I haven't touched it since.
I should note, the gameplay, visual style, music, and controls are all amazing, I just approached the game completely wrong. I should have pecked away at it in between other games instead of trying to concentrate on finishing it all at once.
PixelJunk Shooter
Now this is more my length of game. Soon after I started I was hopelessly addicted, and it didn't go away until I'd completed the game with all of the trophies unlocked. With a kid running around and a constant work/writing schedule, I hardly ever have time to actually play video games, so the length of Shooter was just what I needed.
It also might have helped that I've pretty much missed the entire dual-joystick shooter trend of this console generation, though, I don't think anyone would argue that it's derivative of those games. I do kind of wish that there were more puzzle elements to the game. There was some short portions where you'd have to think a little bit about where you were shooting so you wouldn't block yourself off from areas, but ultimately they were pretty simple to figure out.
I'm eagerly awaiting a continuation of this particular entry in the PixelJunk series, and with a few improvements it'll easily be one of my favorites.
Mirror's Edge
Never have I both loved and hated a game so much at the same exact time. Mirror's Edge tried some really interesting things, and had some incredibly frustrating parts. I can't fault it because it was a unique experience -- and lord knows we need more of those in the games industry -- but on more then one occasion I wanted to smash my TV into tiny pieces.
Still, when it worked, it really worked. It was thrilling to run from enemies, jump between rooftops, slide under obstacles as bullets whizzed past your head, and frantically plan out your route as fast as possible the entire time. That's why it really sucked when the game plopped a ton of cops in front of you and made you try to fight your way through them or get gunned down trying to run past.
Disarming them was something I never truly got a hang of. It was pretty easy to do on the normal police officers, but the SWAT guys were near impossible without slowing down time. Which is all well and good, but I seemed to only be able to slow time one one enemy out of a group, so I was basically forced to disarm them, take their gun, and shoot the rest. I'd rather be able to gracefully disarm them all, or run past without incidence.
For all it's annoyances, though, I'd love to play a sequel. I'd desperately hope they'd make disarming a little less brutally difficult, and maybe tell a story that I kind of care about, but if it feels as exhilarating as the first I'm on board.
So there you go. Three more games in the bag. I'll be back to share my extremely late to the party thoughts on my games in the future, don't you worry. And one day I'll have caught up completely. I'm sure.
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