Morning Glory's Recent Tour Felt Like a Symbolic Farewell to Ezra Kire's Past, Invitation to his Future
July 31, 2011
Sophist Radio Episode 50: Gary the Triple Pimp
It’s a CELEBRATION!...kinda. After 49 episodes, many laughs, some sweat, and thousands of bottles of beers, The Spohist crew convenes again to mark a very important occasion...a pimp’s birthday. With the important things out of the way, talk of video games power the engine that is Sophist Radio, and this week’s show features such heavy hitters as; Octodad, Man vs. Wild, Kill Team and Resistance 2. Okay, maybe these games won't be burning up the sales charts anytime soon, but they provide the fodder for conversation this week. Lastly it wouldn't be a a proper show without talk of the one game that has been on the minds of the Sophists since even before it ever existed: Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
July 27, 2011
Unoriginal Soundtracks Podcast: The Sims Edition

Every other Wednesday I share a playlist of songs tangentially related to a single game or series. Songs about alien sex for Mass Effect, songs about world leaders for Civilization, and so on. Searching for random terms on Spotify is a great way to discover new music and rediscover old classics.
July 20, 2011
Shuffled Podcast #14: The Rap Connection
On this episode of Shuffled, I do my best to remedy a big gap in the music I feature by inviting on someone who grew up listening to rap. Brian Shirk joins me to discuss how he discovered rap, why he connected to it so much, and some of his favorite artists. It's an all rap edition of Shuffled! Which might never happen again, unless Brian wants to come on again. Because, frankly, I'm out of my element here. I think I said something about hoes. Oh god, that's embarrassing.
July 13, 2011
Unoriginal Soundtracks Podcast: Worms Edition

Every other Wednesday I share a playlist of songs tangentially related to a single game or series. Songs about alien sex for Mass Effect, songs about world leaders for Civilization, and so on. Searching for random terms on Spotify is a great way to discover new music and rediscover old classics.
July 11, 2011
Video Round-Up: Awesome Ads Edition
This week in the Video Round-Up we have a collection of awesome commercials. Whether they are great viral internet ads, awfully hilarious commercials for dumpy local stores, or ingenious send-ups of big company ads by the Davids of the world, we've got them here. So sit back and enjoy being sold to.
July 07, 2011
Shuffled Podcast #13: New Ways to Listen
Not only do I have a guest this episode, but I have two guests! Evan Killham and Alex Martin both join me to discuss some new trends that are affecting the way we listen to our music. Evan brings turntable.fm to the discussion, or as he has dubbed it, anxiety.fm, and Alex joins us from across the ocean to talk about Spotify, the music streaming service that is all the rage in Europe and completely banned over here in the states. Could either of these services change the way mainstream music listeners consume their tunes down the road, or are they fads that are doomed to being sued into the ground? Find out what we think and then share your own thoughts in the comments below.
Sophist Radio Episode 49: 4th of the Itis
The Sophist gang celebrates America’s Birthday in the best way possible. Harold, James, and Aaron kick things off with a recent hit for Sony’s PS3: inFamous 2. Okay that may not be the most American of platforms, but it was developed by the fine people at Bellevue, Washington-based Sucker Punch studios. Spoilers abound as the crew shares their feelings about everything the inFamous universe has to offer. Shadows of the Damned, a Japanese yet American published title is next up on the Sophist Radio chopping block. The guys then close things out with the most American title in the bunch: LA Noire. Despite being developed by Austria -based Team Bondi, this game has all the things that make America great; sex, violence, and poor driving.
July 06, 2011
The June Music Wrap-Up Podcast
This month has given us a pretty interesting mix of new releases. We've got lo-fi rock, a hardcore punk rock opera, "digital hardcore", country-tinged singer songwriters, psychedelic indie folk rock, power metal, bubbly pop, and plenty more. This is the reason I make this podcast. Because of all the other music podcasts I listen to, none feature all of these types of music. Hopefully you enjoy each one.