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I was really big into the Kalamazoo music scene a couple years ago. Actually, the night it sort of died for me was the night of the last Kraftbrau show ever. Pregnant Zoe and I were both there, but I've barely been back since. Kraftbrau, for the unaware, was one of the best venues in that city and gave a home to a seemingly endless amount of really amazing local bands.
But Kalamazoo music didn't die that night even though I don't pay as much attention to it now. It is still going strong and I might venture to say it is one of the best scenes of any Michigan city. Yeah, Grand Rapids has some good bands, and Lansing as well; And I'm sure you could spend an hour listing all of the bands that came out of the Detroit area, but there is something really special about Kalamazoo.
So many amazing bands rose out of that city, and 90% of them may never find the national attention they deserve. One of my favorites of those bands was Hornet, and most of the members have gone on to create Minutes. They aren't as loud as Hornet was, but that is probably just in recorded form.
You can download their entire four song seven inch for free right here, or give it a listen first by hitting the jump.
Thanks, Alex!
Sure thing. Not sure if you remember me, but I'm Aaron's brother... you (meaning Spit for Athena) played at my bachelor party.
I was going to try to get down to that festival and see Aaron's band, Paucity, Man at Arms and Minutes but work got in the way. Need to get down to Kalamazoo more often. I miss all of those Kraftbrau shows, and The Strutt seems like a cool replacement.
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