Alright, I'm pretty awful at describing music anymore than just "good" or "I don't like it," so trying to find a way to convey the wealth of sounds that I'm currently hearing from Clara Engel's last album might just prove to be my undoing. The Toronto-based musician already has seven releases, and from what I've heard of Secret Beasts (her 2009) album, I've been missing out. Variety is the spice of life, and Clara can go from sweet and beautiful to scary and brooding (and everything in between) in no time flat.
She aims to release her next album some time in May, and is hoping you'll be so kind as to help her fund some of the recording. Like countless other artists these days she's put up a fundraising campaign with the promise of perks to those who donate enough. Mainly the album itself, but also some of her artwork if you're a big spender. To me, these campaigns are always worth it when you're interested in the album anyway. You give a little money now to feel like you're charitable, then later you get awesome music that you completely forgot you've already paid for! And you support independent music, which is a necessity of life.
You can donate to/pre-order the album here, and you can pick up some of her previous releases over on her bandcamp page. Check out some sample songs from her last CD after the jump, as well as a video of her performing a song from the upcoming Ashes and Tangerines.
"Blind me" - what a fabulous piece of songwriting and singing!
I know, I really like that song.
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