UK-based electronic band Breton are priming new listeners for their no doubt illustrious musical careers by releasing a free 5-song EP entitled The Blanket Rule. I'm not entirely sure what the rule is, but the music is quite excellent. (I assume the rule is to not eat food on someone else's blanket. No one wants you wiping your nasty food-covered fingers on something they're gonna snuggle with later.)
Breton do things a little differently. They fancy themselves a "multimedia collective", which is their way of describing their practice of cutting and chopping up sounds from a variety of genres -- as well as their own uniquely created ones (like intentionally breaking speakers and playing inside bank vaults) -- and combining them into driving dance beats. The press release describes them as "deconstructing and reconstructing popular culture." Sound familiar? They're the musical version of this very website!
Hit up this link to download the EP for free, or hit the jump to hear a few sample songs.
Ordnance Survey by bretonlabs
Sandpaper by bretonlabs
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