Well ladies and gentleman, it seems as though my resource of silly Batman covers has run out. It's had a good run though. I can still see the look on Batman's face all those times his identity was almost uncovered by a bunch of random zany characters (including his aunt). All of the random places Batman and Robin visited (the jungle for example). The very helpful thought bubbles explaining what the hell is going on in the scene on the cover (like when Batman was all grown up, yet still wearing his batsuit). And who could forget those covers that had nothing to do with any story (Batman and Robin penny-farthing anyone?). And last but not least all of the strange creatures that have invaded Gotham (a large furry insect like monster with flippers for example). As much as I hate to not have any more covers to share with you all, keep an eye out for more possible Silly shenanigans. Also if you have any ideas regarding Sillyness feel free to post them in the comments.
(Click on image for full size)
They kept trying over and over to get a pet for batman that would stick didn't they?
Why does the ape need a mask by the way? Is someone going to recognize it and blurt out it's identity?
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