Hell yes! I had somewhat of an idea of what the movie was going to be like, but this new trailer introduces things that I did not see coming. This is without a doubt my most anticipated movie this year. Besides James Cameron's Avatar (which I will write about soon). District 9 is directed by Neill Blomkamp who was attached to direct the Halo movie that is now on hold for an indefinite amount of time. The movie comes out August 14th. Feast your eyes on this awesome trailer! And as always thanks to firstshowing.net.
This movie is going to be amazing. By the way, on the subject of Avatar, did you see James Camerons speech at E3? He pretty much just talked about the themes of the movie and such for like 20 minutes. Boring when you want to hear about video games but if you're looking for info on the movie you'll want to watch it.
Theres part 1 and 2 of his speech.
I heard he made an appearance but never saw his speech. I'll definitely be checking this out. It doesn't contain any spolers does it?
Honestly I turned the channel when he was talking and checked back occasionally because no games were being announced and Zoe was complaining about wanting to watch something else. From what I've heard though he just talks about the world and the creatures in it and such, and very occasionally he mentions the actual video game that he's supposed to be talking about. haha
Ok cool. I'll check it out when I get a chance.
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