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December 15, 2009

Game Review: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is probably the most anticipated video game release ever. Infinity Ward promised us greatness and did not let us down. With the game essentially broken into 3 separate areas: Campaign, Spec Ops and Multiplayer, there is plenty here for everyone.

The campaign is an epic globe-trotting quest to bring down a madman and prevent a war. The missions are a thrill-ride, with set-piece after set-piece of intense action, if you follow the prescribed path, move away from the linear path that is set out for you and you will suffer death after death. This is a game best played at the pace it sets itself. The story in the game is over-the-top, full of intrigue and twists that you never see coming. Still, it's not a storyline that I would take very seriously, however, the campaign does have its serious moments.

I'm sure by now everyone has heard of the infamous airport scene, but don't be put off by it. It is a very emotionally powerful scene. It is handled well and the only fault with it is that it is perhaps too emotionally affecting for a Call of Duty game. The impact of that level will no doubt be lost on many of the younger players.

The locations of the game are jaw-dropping. From the alleys of Rio De Janeiro, to the top of a frozen mountain, to the streets of Afghanistan, the detail and beauty of the levels is breathtaking. It's also nice to see Infinity Ward use a real setting for the middle east sections, instead of a fictional country like they used in CoD4. Despite the minor faults, the campaign is still great fun, filled with fantastic set-pieces and a roller-coaster storyline set in some of the best locations I have ever seen.

A new addition to the CoD franchise is Spec-ops, a two player mode that see you and a friend playing cooperatively to complete various challenges to gain stars. The more stars you gain the more challenges you unlock, and the more you unlock the harder they become. Spec ops borrows locations from the single player and even the Ghillies in the Mist level from CoD4. With a great range of missions, no two alike, its easy to lose hours playing Spec ops with a buddy.

I think we all know the real reason why millions of people bought this game. It wasn't the action packed campaign or the fun and challenging Spec-ops. No, it was the online multiplayer, and it doesn't disappoint. The developer takes the CoD4 multiplayer formula that worked so well and improves it on every level. With a wealth of new weapons, perks, maps and equipment, you can easily customize your character to your own personal tastes.

They even brought in customizable kill streaks and death streaks. Tired of getting a helicopter after 7 kills? Change it for a predator missile after 5 kills or a tactical nuke if you're good enough to get 25 kills without dieing. But if you do die, and die often, then the new death streaks are your friend. Sick of being killed by that guy with the better gun? After 3 deaths you can have the option to take the same loadout as him, or after 4 deaths you can get a temporary health boost. Some were worried these might unbalance the game, but I can assure you they only serve to help the weaker players get a few kills and a bit more confidence.

Infinity Ward have introduced some new modes this time around too. Old favorites like Team deathmatch and Search and Destroy return, but they are accompanied by Capture the Flag and even a third person mode. It's nice to see them taking a few risks and changing things up a bit. Add some awesome new maps to the mix and you have yourself what I believe to be the definitive online multiplayer experience.

Modern Warfare 2 is a fantastic game with just a few niggling issues in the single player, but with the added Spec-ops and incredible multiplayer, the game becomes phenomenal. An instant purchase for anyone even remotely interested in shooters.

Score: 5 out of 5
Confused about our scoring system? Read this explanation.


Dan W Manhattan Ph.D said...

Nice. I didn't expect any less of a rating for the game.

Addicting Games said...

It was expected to be one of last year greatest gamers, and yes, it is. Anyway nice review.. If you have time take a visit to my Free Games website.

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