More in the vein of psychedelic drug-induced hallucination, this stop motion is also unique because of its dry-erase-board canvas. It allows the artist to do some funky animations, and the high frame rate increases the quality even more.
It's an honest satire, this one. I wonder myself why manufactures don't just switch to new templates and mass-produce stuff more people will like. But instead of simple, straight-edged, black picture frames -- which are en vogue -- I still see disgustingly garish, fake-gold, ornate ones. And also: This video is hilarious.
After watching this video, did you expect what you saw? That the video imitated Coldplay's; that it mostly took itself seriously; that it's solemn message at the end was quite poorly written; did you expect any of that? To me, it's quite good. It makes me wonder why more video editors haven't tried to put a serious spin on a frivolous franchise in AMV form. I'd like more of these. Although this one could certainly be better, it has merits.
This is one of my favorite Super Bowl commercials this year. Which was your favorite?
Lastly, I've shown you a video whose production quality put the rest to shame. Sorry other videos: You're all great too, but this one is original and high-quality. The unique interpretation of music creation might scare you or inspire you. Either way, don't thank me; I'm just the messenger. No wait, thank me. I like praise :)
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