I dream of far off places. I mean far off. Not like India or Siberia far, I mean light years upon light years far.
I thank the lords at NASA for building such an incredible machine; Hubble. The images they are now picking up are turning fantasy into a daily sight. Now there is a "Google Night Sky" in which you can view most of the known universe from your computer for free.
To me this sounds like some Star Wars shit. Pretty soon our Iphones will be projecting 3D holographic images of the Moon and Mars. Little icons will show up for Wikipedia. 'Want to learn about a rock a billion miles away? Now you can in 3D from the palm of your hand.'
I still think I'm the only one really excited about Iphones. I can't believe only a hundred years ago we were getting excited about the possibilities with television and radio. I wonder what we get -really- excited about these days. Not just single day excited, but life changing excitement.
I know that technology can be blamed for many, many of our problems. Our dependencies have made us lazy, and sloppy with the quality of our lives. But we're in control of our own lives. We can live a high quality, energetic life AND have huge technological advances. I still think I can live in a tree house, not attached to municipal electricity or water, and have full communications with those thousands of miles away. Trees and space age technology.
I feel like there is a huge movement towards, towards... I don't know what it is. But the feeling is deep inside me that it doesn't just have to be fantasy. I think all I can do to aid in that movement is keep on learning whatever I can about whatever I can. Right now I'm learning about "alternatives" to storm water management, but really it's just combining today's tech with natural systems. Oh, look at that, I'm already involved with this fantasy movement. Sweet.
Someone contact me when there is a waiting list for X-Wings, or even just hydrogen motorcycles available in Atlantic Canada.
So, what gets you really excited? Life changing excitement?
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