Insufficient Funds is a regular post in which we feature a free, or very close to it, piece of media that you can enjoy without overdrafting your bank account. So if you're low on funds, stay tuned to Cerebral Pop every Friday morning.
With new technology comes new forms of distribution and ways to get your name out there. We've seen this a lot in the musical field with everything from smaller bands trying to get attention to big name acts like Radiohead just experimenting. But author Scott Sigler's model might be the first I've heard of this sort of experimentation with tech when it comes to literature.
When I started delivering newspapers, I quickly became invested in audiobooks as a means for keeping my sanity when my music collection got boring. Have you ever looked at the price tag on an audiobook lately? I mean, I guess $20 to $30, or even more, is an understandable price when you think of the hours of audio you're getting, but when you think about the actual book cost it doesn't make much sense to punish those with limited time that would like to listen instead.