In light of recent news that blasts us back into the Cold War, Cerebral Pop brings you videos that have not an iota to do with it. Instead, modern/postmodern art, and further (possible) proof that Da Vinci was the greatest person ever.
The Singing Tree reminds of some unexplored phenomenon that might land a spot in the plot of some fantasy novel, or an ancient religion. It's pretty, but its music is the best part.
Here, a kinetic sculpture shows us... something about... our lives?
Here is that kinetic ball-on-a-string idea taken in a different direction, one that suits a car company to promote. I admit, this is really impressive, but I also can't help but think about the commercialization of art and its related issues. There art goes again, making stupid people think. Oh, art.
Finally, a real-life creation of some of Leonardo Da Vinci's plans for an automobile. Da Vinci's attention to detail, and his inventiveness, is quickly apparent in his sketches. If the one pictured in the video is really his work, then he created an awesome little self-propelled vehicle. Half a millennium ago.
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