This month was a little slow for new music, but there are some great ones in there. I was hoping by now that I could download those bonus tracks from the new Cursive cd on iTunes or Amazon or something but no such luck. I guess I should have just bought the actual cd instead of the digital download. Oh well. Once again, be aware that these songs are for sampling purposes only and will be removed next month to save space where they are hosted. If you enjoy any of these artists, please support them in any way possible. To all record execs or angry musicians, I'm just trying to spread the word of your talent. Don't be mad. I'll remove anything that you want me to if you are. Disclaimer aside, lets get into the music.
The Decemberists
The Wanting Comes in Waves-Repaid
The Hazards of Love 4 (The Drowned)
Josh Freese - I Don't Think That's OK
No, I didn't pay $75,000.
Mastodon - Crack the Skye
I always thought Mastodon was much heavier, which I'm not always into. My friend told me to check out this cd though and it's pretty good. It still doesn't beat their most amazing song ever, the parody of the concession stand song at the beginning of old movies that they made for The Aquateen Hunger Force Movie. If you make out here I will cut your lips and tongue from your head with a linooooooleum kniiiiiiiiiiiiiiife!!
mc chris - IG-88's '57 Chevy
A few cds back mc chris did a skit about his agent wanting him to make more songs about bounty hunters from star wars on vehicles since Fett's Vette was so popular. Now he's jokingly doing those songs, on what is probably his biggest effort to date, a 5 part cd released over the next 2 years, entitled, ironically, Part Six. Also, the skits involve him in Hell now. What messes will MC get into next?
MSTRKRFT - It Ain't Love Feat. Lil' Mo
This is my favorite song off of the new MSTRKRFT cd, despite the dance club flavor of the week singing from Lil Mo.
Clear Days Always
Clear Days Always is one of my favorite local Michigan bands. The thing I love most is that I can never know what to expect next. I have 3 cds now, one of which is a combination of 2 so technically I have 4 cds, and each one is different from one another. This new release is much heavier then previous releases, but equally as amazing. The best part is you can download it for free HERE, which means theres absolutely no reason you shouldn't check it out.
Man at Arms - Title Track (A Waste of Time and Space)
Sure, this cd actually came out in November, but I just remembered about it existing now so I just bought it. Plus I don't want to miss an opportunity to rave about this amazing band. A lot of duo's tend to make more simplistic music. After all, it's pretty hard to layer in a bunch of stuff with only two musicians. Like Death from Above 1979, these guys have no problem doing so however.
MSTRKRFT is really talented, I really wish they made a new solo album.
It seems hip hop and rap has become the norm as of late. Friends who in high school swore to never hear a beat of rap are listening to it nonstop now. Perhaps it's inevitable.
Oh god, let's hope not.
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