This weeks cover is not really as stupid as the rest. I actually found it kind of cool. And plus the gray and blue batsuit was my favorite.
(Click on image for full size)
Adam Goren (Atom and his Package)
Copyright © 2009 Cerebral Pop. WP by Hybrid..
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Great title.
Strange, I thought the they had some artist drawing batman. I didn't realize that batman drew it himself. Seems sort of egotistical doesn't it?
Yea. Especially given the size he made his groin area
Oh god, that was a good one.
Why doesn't Robin have any pants on? Is that a normal thing for him?
Yea man. Robin always had the speedo thing going on. I have an original robin action figure with karate chop action and it looks just like the robin on this cover. I lost the cape though
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