The first trailer for the indie film Moon has been released and it is a good one. Moon is directed by Duncan Jones and as stated in the title stars Sam Rockwell. It has some 2001 and Event Horizon and Solaris type elements in it which are right up my ally. I am a sucker for sci-fi movies and this indie sci-fi movie looks very promising. As always thanks to Alex over at Firstshowing.net for the updates and info. It will be in limited theatres June 12th this year. This summer is shaping up to be a great one for movies.
Yes! I saw this trailer as well and I can't wait. There was some talk about the whole him finding himself plotline being a big twist that they didn't want revealed at Sundance and now they are showing it in the trailer, but I think they needed to to gain interest. It certainly makes me want to find out whats going on.
Yea man I will definitely be seeing this in theatres
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