We return after a week absence and this weeks cover gives us a glimpse of the future and answers the question: What will happen when Bruce Wayne is old and starts listening to ZZ Top? The thing I love about these silly Batman covers is that there is usually someone around to tell us just what the hell is going on. And if not we are left to come up with our own theories. This apparently is the first time Batman has even heard that there is a new Batman and Robin team. Not only that but the old Batman is still walking around in his Batsuit and his mask can accomidate his beard. And thus the sillyness continues.
(Click on image for full size)
hah, thanks captain obvious!
"And now they are running into the police station because the bat signal is on which means there is some sort of crime happening and they are in costumes so that they can go fight that crime without giving away their identities because if they gave away their identities then criminals would be able to take revenge upon them and the ones they love and they wouldn't want that because..."
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