This isn't going to be one of those rants about the PSP having no games or anything. I love my PSP, and have gotten a lot of use out of it. Sure it could use some more games, but I don't get a lot of time to play games as it is and still haven't got around to God of War, Crisis Core, or Loco Roco 2. This post is more about features and updates that I would like Sony to put out for the PSP. They add things quite frequently, but most of the time it's stuff that I'll probably never use, so I'm suggesting these things:
1. Flash Support/Youtube Support
The PSP isn't ideal for internet surfing, but occasionally when the computer is occupied or I'm out of stuff to read while taking a dump, I enjoy using it for that purpose. So it would be nice if things like flash was supported. The Wii's web browser had this from the start, so websites that had flash games designed specifically to be played on the Wii began popping up immediately. If Sony is putting out updates on such a regular basis, they might as well work on this so that I can play some flash games or watch Youtube while in the john.
2. Multitasking
I'm not sure how feasible this is but it'd be so nice to be able to do multiple things on the system at once. When I'm playing a game, I can turn off the PSP whenever I want and be able to turn it back on and pick up right where I left off whenever I want. It's a feature I love, and one that I wish the DS had, because it allows me to never have to watch loading screens or intro titles. Plus I don't want to have to look for a save point on a handheld game because sometimes I have to be able to turn it off at a moments notice. Along the same lines it'd be nice if I could minimize my game and then pick it back up from that spot later. While I love being able to turn off the PSP while playing a game, that means that the next time I turn it on I better be willing to keep playing until I find a save point. It'd be amazing if I could surf the internet or watch a UMD movie or something and then go back to the game from where I left off afterwords.
3. Set Schedule for PSN Releases
I'm really loving the feature to download games to the memory stick. The problem is that I have no idea when new games are going to be released. All 3 of the consoles have a certain day every week that new downloadable games are put up, so why can't the PSP? I'd love to know that every Tuesday I can log on and see what's new, and not have to log on 5 times a week hoping that they finally added Suikoden 2 or Wild Arms 2.
4. Any Japanese PSN Releases
They have what over in Japan?!? I'd buy that in a second! So why don't I have that opportunity?
5. Better Online Support
Games that take advantage of the online features of the PSP have seemed to disappear. I'd love to be able to play more games online. I will never use the Ad Hoc multiplayer modes because the only people I know with a PSP, never buy the same games as me. On the same note, how amazing would it be to able to play online PSN titles against PS3 users with the PSP? Sony should release some PSN games simultaneously for PS3 and PSP, then allow multiplayer between the two systems. Fat Princess comes to mind. Didn't the PSP Socom game have voice chat support for online play? They could get bluetooth headset support going on PSP so that players could use voice chat while playing online. Where is Trophy support for PSP games? Hell, they could even make Playstation Home available for PSP and I'd be happy that they were at least trying to give a better online experience to it. There are so many cool things they could do. I'm crossing my fingers that the levels uploaded from the PS3 Little Big Planet will be downloadable to the PSP version and vice versa.
Well there you go Sony, some helpful suggestions. I would absolutely love to have these features added to my PSP experience. Anyone else have any ideas?
i think these are all reasonable requests from such a beautiful machine. i mean really, it's such a nice screen, pretty big, and it looks really fun. Youtube, online flash games and a minimize feature would make it more appealing to many more people.
I want more games like Diner Dash on the PSP. Then with the game make it hard to put the pickles on the sandwiches.
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