Let me be clear, my opinions are well thought out. I am educated on the subject, probably more so then you. So please, do not tell me I am wrong. I have had to tell people something along these lines on numerous occasions, all because I mentioned that I want a PS3 and not a 360.
Yes, I still have yet to join the "next gen" of gaming. It's not because I don't want to, or can't decide which console to get, but because of life. When the PS3 and Wii hit I had plans of waiting in line for both and selling the PS3 for double or triple the price, then getting another one later down the road when you could find them in stores. It didn't work out that way though.
But I got in line for the Wii anyway, because my fiancee wanted it and when the woman in your life wants a gaming related item you don't say no. So we got a Wii, but since then life has hit full force. We got married, and then got pregnant pretty much immediately afterwards. Both of those things as it turns out are quite expensive. As a result, I still have no PS3.
Originally I wanted one because of the PS2, but obviously things have changed since then. The stigma among almost all in the gaming world is that the 360 is the best console around. When I mention that I still want a PS3 to someone who plays games, they begin to launch into what a mistake that is and tell me about how much better the 360 is.
We may be into our 4th year of this console generation and I still don't have a system, but that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. I deliver newspapers, which means I am in my car for at least 6 hours a day. I listen to a ton of podcasts in that time, and a lot of them are video game related.
So what has made me decide that the PS3 is still for me? Simple, I don't have a lot of time to game right now. Like I said, we have a kid. Handhelds work out alright because I can be in whatever room the kid is in and I can usually turn it off instantly if I need to, but going upstairs to play on a console is a different story.
So what do I want to play in that little time I have? I want to play the best games possible. The ones that will probably go down as some of my favorites of all time. Right now, I've got my eyes on Heavy Rain and The Last Guardian doing just that. Sure I have fun with action type games, but I'd be just fine having God of War and Uncharted instead of Dead Rising and Lost Planet.
So don't tell me I'm making a mistake, and don't call me a fanboy. I don't care how many stacks of good games there are on 360, I don't have the time to play all of those and I want to play the handful of PS3 games more anyway. I've made my decision based on what is right for me. Thats not being a fanboy, thats just being a smart consumer.
You got it right about wanting a console for the games, and not the console.
as someone who was a big gamer in the past to now not even really caring much at all about video games, i have to agree with your handheld comment. although i'm no longer a 'gamer' i do still own a DS and i freakin love it, cuz it works for me. not having the time for games is a main reason i stopped being into them. with the DS i can take it with me and play on the go whenever, and of course i can just shut it off whenever i need to. when it comes to the MS, Sony, NIntendo console battle of epic proportions..... i happily do not get involved.
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