So I came across some really great old school Batman comic covers and decided to make it a weekly post where every week is a new cover (until I run out). Enjoy!
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I bet this was Robin's idea.
Adam Goren (Atom and his Package)
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i'm sure it was Robin's idea. i wouldn't mind owning a penny-farthing though
yea it would be fun to ride. Not too good for fighting crime though :/
Dammit! We would of caught the joker if only he hadn't thrown a stick in our spokes! This was a terrible idea Robin! Next time we'll use what I said and take pogosticks!
Next Months Issue: Batman and Robin BOUNCE the Joker back to Arkham! And look cool doing it!
MY MS3000 for this one reads like this:
Batman: I bet you I can eat a pickle before you put your arms down.
Robin: You know I have to let my sweaty pits dry out.
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