Morning Glory's Recent Tour Felt Like a Symbolic Farewell to Ezra Kire's Past, Invitation to his Future
October 10, 2010
Sophist Radio Episode 33: Analogies Are Like Sharks...
The gang tries out a new format in this episode... having no format. But the newly uncaged bird that is the Sophist Radio crew has a game-filled discussion for us, with plenty to say about Civilization 5, DJ Hero, Left 4 Dead 2, Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, Spider Man: Shattered Dimensions, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Hydrophobia, Enslaved, Bioshock: Infinite and more. Also, several ridiculous tangents like the differences between black, white, and Hispanic boy bands, and the Adventures of the Gummi Bears. Hit the jump to give it a listen, now in a handy, manageable size.
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