If you have only a vague knowledge of Internet "Hacktivist" group Anonymous, it's probably because you heard a passing mention of them on the news -- which probably wasn't fully informed and likely not a glowing review of their work. The collective of hackers mostly formed from 4Chan, a site known for it's high levels of Internet Trolls. Given as such, they aren't really known to go about their noble causes in the most mainstream media friendly of ways.
Though, it's debatable whether or not you think their causes are noble. Sure, they've targeted a lot of largely-hated organizations like Scientology and the Westboro Baptist Church, but they've also been tied to a lot more controversial things. There was their staunch defense of WikiLeaks and it's head man Julian Assange after the site released masses of US Government documents, which you could feasibly be on either side of the fence on.
Now they are embroiled in a battle against Sony for taking legal action against the man who cracked their system wide open, conceivably for homebrew programs, but easily for pirating games as well. Either completely by coincidence, or very unluckily at the same exact time Sony was hacked and millions of their user's personal information, and possibly credit cards as well, were stolen. Anonymous claims no involvement, but they're a hard group to take seriously, what with things like "YouTube Porn Day" (where YouTube was flooded with porn clips tagged as family videos) and the "Epilepsy Foundation forum invasion" (where the forums were spammed with flashing images meant to induce migraines or seizures) tied to their history as a group.
Those two acts were likely done by splinter groups of Anonymous who weren't as interested in using their hacking skills to make a positive difference in the world, but therein lies the problem. One of the collectives taglines is "We Are Legion," but they are anything but. In fact, right now they are being attacked by themselves. Or, a group of their members who disagree with the leadership roles some have taken. Doesn't it seem like with all the bickering and in-fighting, part of their "Legion" could have easily been the ones to take that info from Sony?
Anonymous is incredibly dramatic sometimes, making threatening videos with epic background music like they're straight out of a movie and fighting the good fight. While I usually agree with the causes they are fighting, I'm not exactly sure they're the best people to represent those causes. We definitely do need to help police these big companies and organizations by raising our voices and showing discontent when their heads get a little too big, but sometimes Anonymous' actions make me a little wary. I've gotten wrapped up in their rhetoric before and felt a wave of "F**k yeah!" wash over me as they spoke of freedom of speech and Internet rights, but I don't exactly trust them.
I'd love to throw my full support behind a group like this. In a movie I'd be on the edge of my seat rooting for the good guy underdogs who were taking on the greedy corporations, but this isn't a movie. Anonymous might fight for a lot of good causes, but they will always be trolls doing things for "the lulz." It's hard to keep feeling that wave of "F**k yeah!" wash over you when those executives have their home addresses and phone numbers published and their family is pummeled with pizza deliveries, eggings, and threatening phone calls.
I really have no basis of trust for Anonymous, because it seems like they could just as easily be targeting innocent people and crossing moral lines I'm not willing to support whenever they feel like it. The people need a voice; To speak up and show that they can't just be walked all over. I hate it when corporations get away with shady things, and a group that calls that sort of thing out is great. I'm just not sure Anonymous can ever be that group.
What do you think? Should we be rallying behind Anonymous and fighting "the good fight," or have they proven themselves untrustworthy? Are they an example of the Internet being used to make positive changes in the world, or a bunch of trolls that have gone too far?
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