Music is good; free music is really good. For this week's post on Insufficient Funds here are a load of free tracks by a band I recently had the pleasure of seeing live: A three piece rock band trio by the name of Dr. Green.
Last weekend I made a little excursion up north to Burlington, Vermont. After a late start and a five hour drive, I had reached the far north west corner of the Green Mountain State. Now most people would be content with just relaxing after such a trip, but my friend had mentioned there were other plans for the evening: A house party in South Burlington.
Never one to pass up an opportunity to party, I happily jumped on the occasion to let loose and meet some new people. I knew I was getting into some crazy shit whenever I'm hanging around my friends, but what I didn't expect was the party to have a basement concert. Three bands played that night; all of them blasted a crater in the ground from rocking so hard I was scared the house would collapse on top of me (in hindsight I think my dancing with the ladies was more destructive than anything).
The next day I did a little research on who played. Fortunately, I was sober enough to write down the names of the bands. Of the three that played, however, only the band called Dr. Green came up with an actual website -- not to be confused with a Baltic Ska band by the same name. While they have a small fan base in the New England area and have opened for bands like 30 seconds to Mars, they have put their entire collection of recordings up on-line for free (though their website lists it as a limited time). Their debut album is free with submitting an e-mail address (mailing list purposes only), while the rest are direct downloads. If you enjoy solid garage rock with a sound reminiscent of acts like Pearl Jam, then please give it a listen.
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