I hunted down a copy of Wii Fit in the first few weeks of release, mostly because my wife wanted it and I never say no to permission to buy a video game, but also because I was curious. I'm not exactly "in shape", so if it works for losing weight then all the better. Of course, like everyone else who bought Wii Fit, it ended up in the closet a few weeks later. Well, my wife made it a few weeks and I actually made it over a month.
I still didn't see any weight loss though, and thats probably because a good amount of my daily time on the game was used to just randomely pick activities. I'm not a trainer, so I don't know when I should do aerobic or yoga or whatever else, and there was no direction given. From what I've heard about EA Sports Active though it is much better about giving you an idea of what you should be doing and for how long.
They have some sort of 30 day challenge thing going on, and while I'm not officially partaking in that or anything, I figured I would give the game 30 days of my own and see where I end up. I'm plenty happy with my gut, but in the interest of not hearing the wife nag me about losing weight, its worth a shot.
The game comes out on Tuesday I believe. When I find it and pick it up, I'll do a Day 1 post. After that I'll keep everyone up to date every 5 days with my weight and such to see if it's working. After 30 days, we'll see how much weight I lost.
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