If Spider Man and X-Men didn't do it, then The Dark Knight sure did, studios have definitely been convinced that superhero movies are big business. Spider Man set record numbers at the box office that hadn't had competition since Titanic and then only a few years later another superhero movie, The Dark Knight, came along to crush those numbers. Can this trend hold out? As studios start to green light more and more obscure heroes, will the public keep caring? Here's a brief list of the movies slated for the upcoming years.
Nick Fury (2010)
Ant-Man (2010)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Green Lantern (2010)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2 (2011)
X-Men Origins: Magneto (2011)
Deadpool (2011)
Spider Man 4 (2011)
Thor (2011)
Deathlok (2011)
Luke Cage (2011)
The First Avenger: Captain America (2011)
Doctor Strange (2012)
Silver Surfer (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
I probably missed some, Marvel is much more adamant about announcing movies then DC is, but that's quite a list for the next 3 years. That's not including all the unannounced movies that are no doubt coming like a third Batman and another Superman. So, what say you? Can the mainstream public who have no idea who Ant Man and Luke Cage are support these movies, or will the shear amount of movies crush this tower of money?
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