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May 20, 2009

Finally Some Footage from the New Team ICO Game

Finally! Team ICO has made two of my favorite games of all time, ICO and Shadow of the Colossus. Previously all we have seen from them to hint at the next game was that picture above. Now we have some real footage.

I'm excited that the ancient ruins from this video look exactly like those of their last two games because it means that maybe we'll learn a little bit more about that world. I am kind of confused about this creature that the boy has. Is that a baby griffin or something? Still, Team ICO managed to tug at your heart strings with giant colossi that could easily crush you, and tried, so I'm eager to see what they can pull off with this cute cuddly thing.

Maybe we'll hear more at E3? Most of the gaming press thinks that this game will be saved for the next Tokyo Game Show but it's peculiar that this footage just came out, only a few weeks from E3. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Dan W Manhattan Ph.D said...

I gotta say I wasn't too impressed with the video. I was kind of hoping that it would be another shadow of the colossus game that would come out on 360 also so that I could experience the game. But we'll have to wait and see exactly what this is.

Alex R. Cronk-Young said...

None of their games will ever come out on 360, they are part of Sony.

It's also been spreading that this isn't a new video, but actually their proof of concept made more then a year ago, so the final product will likely look 100X better then this.

Dan W Manhattan Ph.D said...

Man that's shitty. I should have bought shadow of the collosus when I had my ps2 :(

And yea I wasn't neccessarily talking about the graphics or anything, but more in just what was happening. But it is still too early and I could be putting my fott in my mouth once E3 rolls around.

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